This Easter, we’ll celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ with gatherings at Lismore High. Our Good Friday gathering will be at 9:45am on Friday 2nd April and our Easter Sunday gatherings will be at 9:45am & 6pm on Sunday 4th April.
We’ll see how Jesus’ death & resurrection fueled God’s mission, spreading the gospel message across the world, as we complete our Term One series: ‘To the Ends of the Earth’. On Good Friday, Tim McDonald will open up the Bible to Acts chapter 26 and on Easter Sunday, Stew Playsted will take us through Acts 27 & 28. We’ll be asking the questions: Who is the King? and is he unconquerable?
Unfortunately, if you are sick on the day, you will not be able to attend and will need to access a Covid test.
If you’re unable to meet in person on any Sunday, you’re welcome to listen to an audio recording of the Bible talk here on our website.
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