The Pastors’ Post

Welcome to The Pastors’ Post, an update for life at Southern Cross.

“The church is conflict prone and the church is conflict adverse”. Do you remember those insightful words from Tim Dyer over the weekend!? I pray the time spent in your DNAs exploring God’s word and its guidance on conflict proved stimulating and may begin a pathway of restoration for some relationships in your life.

We are thankful for Tim Dyer’s ministry to us over the weekend. I had the privilege of sitting under Tim’s ministry for a Masters intensive on leadership for a week at Sydney Missionary & Bible College last year.  Following that rich experience, I was eager to have him pass on some of that wisdom to the leaders of Southern Cross. So last Friday, our Vision Coordinators and their apprentices met at Park Ave with Tim joining us on ZOOM, taking us through three sessions: firstly on how to cultivate Spiritual health, then how to steward our lives well for the long haul, and finally on mentoring. 

Tim went on to do a three-hour seminar last Saturday for the Northern Rivers Presbytery on conflict: such a helpful ministry to us at Southern Cross and the Northern Rivers as a whole.  

Later this year in October, Leadership Team have personally booked flights to Tasmania for their Leadership Team weekend. Friday will be spent planning 2022, Saturday will be exploring the relationship between Southern Cross Goonellabah and East Lismore, and a 2023-2028 plan. Sunday, we will join Tim Dyer and his church family, followed by a session with Tim on leading from our inner character. Please pray for that significant weekend for Leadership Team, that we would make wise plans for the future.

We know our plans are finite like our humanity, so we aim to lead out of God’s Word. Do you remember this amazing text? This is from Isaiah 40:6-8:

 “All people are like grass,
    and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field.
7 The grass withers and the flowers fall,
    because the breath of the Lord blows on them.
    Surely the people are grass.
8 The grass withers and the flowers fall,
    but the word of our God endures forever.”

Thanks for tuning in to The Pastors’ Post.

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    Sundays and Youth program
    Lismore High School
    118B Dalley St, East Lismore
    Church Office
    8-10 Park Ave, East Lismore
    (02) 6621 3655

    Welcome to The Pastors’ Post, an update for life at Southern Cross.

    “The church is conflict prone and the church is conflict adverse”. Do you remember those insightful words from Tim Dyer over the weekend!? I pray the time spent in your DNAs exploring God’s word and its guidance on conflict proved stimulating and may begin a pathway of restoration for some relationships in your life.

    We are thankful for Tim Dyer’s ministry to us over the weekend. I had the privilege of sitting under Tim’s ministry for a Masters intensive on leadership for a week at Sydney Missionary & Bible College last year.  Following that rich experience, I was eager to have him pass on some of that wisdom to the leaders of Southern Cross. So last Friday, our Vision Coordinators and their apprentices met at Park Ave with Tim joining us on ZOOM, taking us through three sessions: firstly on how to cultivate Spiritual health, then how to steward our lives well for the long haul, and finally on mentoring. 

    Tim went on to do a three-hour seminar last Saturday for the Northern Rivers Presbytery on conflict: such a helpful ministry to us at Southern Cross and the Northern Rivers as a whole.  

    Later this year in October, Leadership Team have personally booked flights to Tasmania for their Leadership Team weekend. Friday will be spent planning 2022, Saturday will be exploring the relationship between Southern Cross Goonellabah and East Lismore, and a 2023-2028 plan. Sunday, we will join Tim Dyer and his church family, followed by a session with Tim on leading from our inner character. Please pray for that significant weekend for Leadership Team, that we would make wise plans for the future.

    We know our plans are finite like our humanity, so we aim to lead out of God’s Word. Do you remember this amazing text? This is from Isaiah 40:6-8:

     “All people are like grass,
        and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field.
    7 The grass withers and the flowers fall,
        because the breath of the Lord blows on them.
        Surely the people are grass.
    8 The grass withers and the flowers fall,
        but the word of our God endures forever.”

    Thanks for tuning in to The Pastors’ Post.