The Pastors’ Pen

As many of you will know I was recently in Zimbabwe serving with the Central Church of Africa Presbyterian (CCAP). Thanks to those who were praying.

It was a fascinating visit seeing the truths of God’s word engage the heart of God’s people in a very different and difficult ministry context. As some of you would know, Zimbabwe has a complicated past and present. But leaders of the CCAP church requested our Aussie team provide lectures in how to preach the book of Revelation. A bold request and a challenging task!

But the students at the CCAP Theological College took up the challenge wonderfully. From the start of the week students were honestly sharing how the viewed the book of Revelation – fear, misunderstandings and anxiety. How generous of our Father God that by the end of the week so many of the students were saying that now when they think of the book of Revelation they think comfort, hope and the victory of the Lion/Lamb Jesus! SO encouraging!

It was also a delight to travel to the CCAP school thirty minutes north west of Harare to deliver 51kg of home readers which Wyrallah Road Public School donated to the school in Zimbabwe. There were lots of smiling faces.

My travels to Harare included a stopover in Dubai. I was kindly hosted by an Aussie family serving at Redeemer Church, Dubai. It was very unique to be in the UAE, it has such a fascinating modern history and so much has taken place there over the last 75 years.

The Aussies serving in Dubai are amazingly struck by the many, many, nations calling Dubai home (at least for a short time). Redeemer, and other evangelical churches like Dubai Fellowship led by Australians Ray and Sandy Galea (thanks to Ray and Sandy for taking me to a GP in Dubai after suffering from abdominal and back pain for a number of days of my trip – that wasn’t part of the plan!) are eager to disciple these nations that are coming to the UAE, that they might return to their country homes and make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples…

Finally, on my last morning in Harare, I was able to meet with Antony who is the leader of a fledgling MTS movement in Zimbabwe. Coincidentally, just before I left for Zimbabwe we received a letter from the National Director of MTS Australia asking SCPC to consider supporting MTS Zimbabwe for 5 years by contributing $5K each year. I had no idea this request was coming! I hope to bring this request to LT and CoM before bringing it before you all in a congregational meeting we will hold in this coming term related also to the employment of Merhawi. 

So, lots of things for me to reflect on and pray about. But what kept coming to bear for me following Celebration Sunday and my travels in the Middle East and Africa, was that grand vision when even creation joins in the thunderous song of the lamb, our servant king Jesus… 

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Revelation 5:13


Posted in Pastors Post