The Pastors’ Pen

Food for Thought

Last Sunday was our Food for Thought event. In the morning there were 80 burgers eaten, 70 coffees sipped, over 250 donuts inhaled, 1 auction of Elvis Presley’s blue suede shoes, and lots of people who heard the gospel message of Jesus proclaimed! In the evening we held our gathering at Two Mates Brewery in South Lismore. This was a great opportunity to be in a public space as a church community and for those who came along to the event to be invited to meet Jesus. On Tuesday night, the first session of the Hope Explored series was conducted, with a varied mix of people attending. 

Please continue to reach out to, and pray, for those who came along on Sunday and Tuesday. You might like to have a follow up chat with someone you invited along, introduce them to a few members of your GC or perhaps consider who you might read Word 1-2-1 with. As Christians we have such a good (and urgent) message of hope through the one who died for us. 

Talk recordings 

Over the past year or so, some members of the staff team, along with Leadership Team, have been considering the value (or not) of continuing to post the bible talks publicly on the website, particularly in light of a growing antagonism towards Christianity in some sectors of society. We’ve decided to continue posting most talks online, to enable the gospel message to be shared and passed on as freely as possible. However, we’ve also decided that very rarely, it may be prudent not to post the occasional talk, depending on its subject matter. So please be aware of that going forwards. 

Content Warning

From this Sunday, we’ll be continuing our series in Genesis 12-25. There will be some potentially distressing content in some of the bible passages over the coming weeks (particularly Genesis 16-17 on June 2 and Genesis 18-19 on June 9). Some of the characters act in an ungodly and destructive way that is harmful to those in their family and community. It’s possible these stories could be triggering for some people. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing violence or abuse you can contact:

  • 1800RESPECT: Call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or chat on-line
  • Presbyterian Conduct Protocol Unit (CPU): for notifications and advice on any matters of abuse. Call 9690 9325 or 0421 225 740
  • Presbyterian Counselling Service: facilitating access to high quality professional Christian counselling. Call 1800 818 133 or email (NB This is a referral service and not a crisis service). 


As we continue in Genesis together I’m hopeful that God will use his word to assure us of his faithfulness in the mess of life, and to affirm to us both his great mercy and great justice. This week I saw a ‘gem’ I’d never noticed before in the book of Numbers 23:19-20 which highlights God’s trustworthiness in such sure terms, 

19 God is not human, that he should lie,

    not a human being, that he should change his mind.

Does he speak and then not act?

    Does he promise and not fulfill?

20 I have received a command to bless;

    he has blessed, and I cannot change it.


Posted in Pastors Post