Welcome to The Pastors’ Pen—a written update for life at Southern Cross.
This week, James, Matt, Sue and I spent a couple of days at the Reach Australia conference.
It was an excellent time of Bible teaching and thoughtful seminars on how we can effectively and enthusiastically reach Australia for Christ.
A question we kept getting from Christian leaders around the country was: How is Lismore?
It’s hard to know how to answer, really, isn’t it?. It depends. Our physical city still lies broken. Many many are still without their broken homes.
So we are excited to be able to host Tim Dyer and his wife Merran this weekend as they guide us on how we respond to this brokenness and how we can continue to minister to beautiful local people whose lives are still so shattered.
So join us at Lismore High School from 2:30pm-4pm this Sunday for the seminar with Tim and Merran.
Also, please continue to pray for our ‘Food for Thought Week’ next week, that in the midst of the brokenness, people might still hear that Jesus is not bad for them!… but a stable, secure and safe place to find inconceivable hope and joy.
This is our hope both now and forever:
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 1 Peter 1:3-4