Chapter 17 is all about how to live as servants of the king and what to expect upon his return. As faithful servants, Christians are to rebuke and forgive, serve humbly & be thankful. We are to avoid speculation about the king’s return but be ready for it, believing in order that we might one day see. The man who returns to praise God and thank Jesus for his healing is an example of someone who recognises the king and acts as a citizen of the kingdom. In the same way, the 9 who fail to do so represent those who will fall under judgment when Jesus returns. The fact that the man who returns is a Samaritan is an implicit indictment of Israel and a foreshadowing of the judgment that is coming on them for failing to recognise Jesus as the Messiah.
Chapter 17 is all about how to live as servants of the king and what to expect upon his return. As faithful servants, Christians are to rebuke and forgive, serve humbly & be thankful. We are to avoid speculation about the king’s return but be ready for it, believing in order that we might one day see. The man who returns to praise God and thank Jesus for his healing is an example of someone who recognises the king and acts as a citizen of the kingdom. In the same way, the 9 who fail to do so represent those who will fall under judgment when Jesus returns. The fact that the man who returns is a Samaritan is an implicit indictment of Israel and a foreshadowing of the judgment that is coming on them for failing to recognise Jesus as the Messiah.