May 12, 2019

Talk 2, Our Responsibility

Passage: Romans 10
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In Romans 10, we see Pauls genuine sorrow for lost Jews – though they were zealous for God, they have stumbled over Jesus because they believed they could establish their own righteousness by works of the law. Paul contrasts the unobtainable righteousness that is by the law with the free gift of righteousness by faith. Our efforts can never lead to salvation. We can only be saved by what God has done for us in Christ. Our response is to believe in our hearts which will overflow from our mouth in confession that Jesus is Lord. Our ongoing response to his grace is a proclamation of the gospel (not as a means to gaining or maintaining our salvation – but in response, we speak the gospel from our hearts in love for others.

Sundays and Youth program
Lismore High School
118B Dalley St, East Lismore
Church Office
8-10 Park Ave, East Lismore
(02) 6621 3655

In Romans 10, we see Pauls genuine sorrow for lost Jews – though they were zealous for God, they have stumbled over Jesus because they believed they could establish their own righteousness by works of the law. Paul contrasts the unobtainable righteousness that is by the law with the free gift of righteousness by faith. Our efforts can never lead to salvation. We can only be saved by what God has done for us in Christ. Our response is to believe in our hearts which will overflow from our mouth in confession that Jesus is Lord. Our ongoing response to his grace is a proclamation of the gospel (not as a means to gaining or maintaining our salvation – but in response, we speak the gospel from our hearts in love for others.