Apr 2, 2018

Easter Sunday 2018. Why Are You Crying?

Passage: John 20:11-18 & Revelation 21:1-8
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The Bible calls death “the final enemy”. Death means separation, loss & pain. Death is the end and so death extinguishes hope. Death always brings tears. But the good news of the empty tomb brings life and hope and joy to this vale of tears. “It is finished” didn’t mean “this is the end”. It is finished, but its not over. Jesus’ resurrection is the start of something completely new – a new life in a new world in which there will be no more tears because there will be nothing left to grieve (Revelation 21). And though we don’t yet see this new world, we see Jesus who has put death to death, risen to new life and gone ahead to prepare a place for us. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Sundays and Youth program
Lismore High School
118B Dalley St, East Lismore
Church Office
8-10 Park Ave, East Lismore
(02) 6621 3655
The Bible calls death “the final enemy”. Death means separation, loss & pain. Death is the end and so death extinguishes hope. Death always brings tears. But the good news of the empty tomb brings life and hope and joy to this vale of tears. “It is finished” didn’t mean “this is the end”. It is finished, but its not over. Jesus’ resurrection is the start of something completely new – a new life in a new world in which there will be no more tears because there will be nothing left to grieve (Revelation 21). And though we don’t yet see this new world, we see Jesus who has put death to death, risen to new life and gone ahead to prepare a place for us. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”