Sunday 22nd March 2020

As you will have heard, we are unable to meet physically for our Sunday gatherings, therefore welcome to our first Sunday Scattering online! Wherever you find yourself scattered, we pray you will be encouraged from God’s word as we open to Acts 10 and see the risen Lord Jesus continue to work powerfully through His Spirit. We’re going to be asking the question on Sunday: Does God play favourites?
Following, is all the information you will need to be able to benefit from our scatterings on Sunday.
Instructions for connecting to ZOOM for our Sunday Scatterings can be found in the attached document.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting at 9:30am Sunday 22nd March. Our Sunday Scattering will begin at 10AM.
You will also require a password which you can get from your Gospel Community Vision Coordinator or a staff member.
Kids Church
Material for children in Preschool-Year 6 is available below with a supporting video.
Songs for Sunday
The songs we would have sung together in our Sunday gatherings have been made into a Spotify playlist for you to listen to at home via this link:
Church Family News
We are hoping our bookclub discussion night can still go ahead this Thursday 26th March, but possibly online. Once we have confirmed the details, we will communicate those via our website.
Newcomers Lunch
The newcomers lunch which was scheduled for Sunday 29th March has been postponed for the time being.
Love One Another
Even though we’re not meeting together in larger groups, we can still love one another if we find ourselves in settings with others by continuing to wash our hands well. If you are unwell, please love each other by staying home.
Daily Devotionals
In an attempt to express online community, daily devotionals will be uploaded onto our website, beginning on Monday 23rd March. Over the next three weeks, we will join Luke as he outlines the events leading to the first Easter in Luke 22-24.
Digital DNA
Leadership Team & Committee of Management have purchased a monthly subscription to Zoom to enable Gospel Communities and DNAs to continue to meet together regularly over the internet.
Songs for SCPC
The songs for our Sunday gatherings will be placed weekly on Spotify and the link will be made available via the website.
Around the Table Tuesday
A two minute audio from a family, as they express their faith, will be posted to the website on Tuesdays.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact your Gospel Community Vision Coordinator or speak to a staff member.