Sunday 19th April 2020

Welcome! to our Sunday Scattering online. Wherever you find yourself scattered, we pray you will be encouraged from God’s word as we open to Mark 8:27-38 and see that it’s worth getting Jesus identity right. We’ll be asking the question: Who do we say Jesus really is?
Following, is all the information you will need to be able to benefit from our scatterings this Sunday.
Zoom link
Instructions for connecting to ZOOM for our Sunday Scatterings can be found in the attached document.
Click here to join the Zoom webinar from 9:30am or 5:30pm on Sunday 19th April 2020. Alternatively, you can use the meeting ID: 657 139 469.
Our Sunday Scatterings will begin at 10am and 6pm.
Kids Church
Hi kids!! This week we are checking out Mark 8 vs 27-38 where Jesus asks his followers “Who do you say that I am?” & why it’s worth following him even though it’s hard. There’s also questions, puzzles and colouring in based on our passage. You’ll find them in the downloadable documents below. We’ll also hear from Lyn in Sunday’s morning service.
Please contact our office if you’re unable to print this material at home.
Kids Church Material
Kids Church Zoom rooms at 11:15 am
We have set up some Zoom rooms for primary school kids (Year 3-6) to meet with their kids church leaders and work through the kids church material together. To join, just click on the kids church class your child is in and use the same password you used to join the Sunday Scattering webinar.
Year 3-6 Girls or Meeting ID: 781102755
Year 3-4 Boys or Meeting ID: 303656924
Year 5-6 Boys or Meeting ID: 919229117
SCG Kids Church or Meeting ID: 184826139
Church Family News
Term 2 Roster Our roster will look quite different in Term 2 as SCG and East combine our resources for online Sunday Scattering/Gatherings. Bronwyn will email the draft roster to participants this week. Keep an eye out for it and let her know if you need to swap.
20 Invitations Churches around the world are seeing increases in attendance through online gatherings! Let’s keep our 20 invitations going into the digital age by inviting friends & family to join our online gatherings each Sunday. Offer to help them install ZOOM on their computer, phone or device and share the meeting ID and password with them.
2020 Holidays Bible Talk Series: Hard but Good Jesus gave lots of hard but good teaching. Scott Herd and Brent Faulkner are wrestling with God’s word to bring us the Bible talks from Mark’s Gospel on 19th & 26th of April.
Term 2 Bible Talk Series Our Term 2 series is ‘The Good News We Almost Forgot’. Term booklets will be posted out the first week of term ready for DNAs which will commence in week 2.
GC Leadership Groups Term 2 Meeting On Thursday 30th April, our GC Leadership Groups will meet at 7:30pm via Zoom to touch base and prepare for the term ahead.
Term 2 Book Club
Crazy Busy is our book for Term 2 Book Club. If you would like a copy, please email and we will post it out with your Term 2 Booklet in a couple of weeks.
Send in your photos While we can’t meet up together in person, we’d love to show your photos each Sunday before online church. Please send in photos of yourself or your family doing online church, kids church, DNA, prayer, Gospel Community interactions, meetings or devotions, we’d love to see you all!
Creative Digital Catch-ups Throughout the holidays, our Gospel Communities are being creative with ideas to have fun catch-ups via our online ZOOM rooms. Contact your Gospel Community Vision Co-ordinators if you need help connecting with your group.
New Gospel Opportunities
On Mondays, we will provide a one minute video from The Gospel Coalition to help you make the most of new gospel opportunities during COVID-19.
PayPal on website
We now have a PayPal feature on our website which you can use to contribute to the work of the Gospel at SCPC and the common fund. If you would like bank account details for general giving please contact
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact your Gospel Community Vision Coordinator or speak to a staff member.
Church Family Prayer
Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving the World | |
Sunday | Ask God to regenerate our hearts so we can see and know who Jesus really is. | Give thanks for the life of Mike Stone and pray for Cathy and family as they grieve his passing. For Philip Fourie | Give thanks for churches taking the Gospel out into the world through various forms of media. Pray that many will be won for Christ. |
Monday | Praise God that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. | Ask God to grow us in our knowledge and understanding of who Jesus really is. For Doris Frey | Pray for our government as they seek to serve us by making wise decisions through changing circumstances. |
Tuesday | Confess our pre-occupation with the things of men instead of the things of God. | Confess our desires to gain worldly things. For Paul & Katie Gatt & family | Pray that people in our community will crave the good life on offer through faith in Jesus. |
Wednesday | Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to let go of our lives for the sake of the gospel. | Give thanks that Jesus’ suffering brought about the ‘good life’ for us. For Sammy Gaukroger | Ask God for opportunities to express the joy of knowing Jesus to our family and friends. |
Thursday | Admit that our unregenerate hearts try to gain the whole world at the risk of losing our souls. | Pray we can grow in understanding of the things of God. For Deb Gerada | Pray for the families and communities who have lost loved ones during COVID-19. Pray they will seek comfort in God’s love. |
Friday | Praise God that through Jesus, he can set us apart from the world so we can live the ‘good life’ he planned. | Give thanks that Covid19 has given us opportunity to reassess our priorities. For Graham Gilliver | Pray that Christians worldwide will find ways to share the love of Jesus with many who are unable to be with family and friends at this time. |
Saturday | Ask God’s forgiveness when we feel ashamed of Jesus. | Give thanks for the rest that Covid19 has provided for some and pray for all who are under extra pressure. For Dave & Simone Glendinning & family | Pray that we won’t shamefully hide our suffering for the gospel – but that we will be prepared to share the reason for the hope we have in Jesus with joy. |
Please use this table to inform your prayers throughout the week |
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