Sunday 17th May 2020

Welcome! to our Sunday Scattering online. Wherever you find yourself scattered, we pray you will be encouraged from God’s word throughout our Term 3 series ‘The Good News We Almost Forgot’.
This Sunday we open to Mark 10 and Romans 3 to see that on the cross, Jesus suffered God’s full and complete judgement so we can be fully and completely forgiven. We’ll be asking the question: Could God have gone easy on Jesus & therefore left some of our sins unpunished?
Following, is all the information you will need to be able to benefit from our scatterings this Sunday.
Sunday Scattering Zoom link
Instructions for connecting to ZOOM for our Sunday Scatterings can be found in the attached document.
Click here to join the Zoom webinar from 9:30am or 5:30pm on Sunday 17th May 2020. Alternatively, when you open Zoom on your device, you can use the meeting ID: 657 139 469.
Our Sunday Scatterings will begin at 10am and 6pm.
Night Church Zoom Room
After our 6pm Night Church Scattering we invite you for a catch-up by joining our Zoom Room. Click here to join the After-Night-Church-Zoom Room from 7pm each Sunday.
Kids Church
Hi kids!! This week’s very important QUESTION and ANSWER about the “Good News We Almost Forgot” is… “WHO is our perfect substitute?”. We will always find the answers in God’s Word, the Bible. Don’t forget to check out your questions, puzzles and colouring, in the download documents below. Please contact the office if you are unable to access these.
Kids Church Zoom rooms at 11:15 am
We have set up some Zoom rooms for primary school kids (Year 3-6) & SCG to meet with their kids church leaders, play a game and work through the kids church material together. To join, just click on the kids church class your child is in and use the same password as before.
Year 3-6 Girls or Meeting ID: 781102755
Year 3-4 Boys or Meeting ID: 303656924
Year 5-6 Boys or Meeting ID: 919229117
SCG Kids Church or Meeting ID: 184826139
Church Family News
Invite the Bible
Whether socially restricted or unrestricted, we can always invite the Bible into our conversations, our relationships and our time. Keep the Bible open on your family table, your desk and on the tip of your tongue so it can speak life into the lives of all we have contact with.
Lord’s Supper
This Sunday at our 10am and 6pm Sunday Scatterings we will share in the Lord’s supper. In preparation, we ask you to have some simple bread and some grape juice. If it is difficult to access grape juice, some other juice or even water can substitute. The point is to maintain the biblical symbolism as closely as possible so we grasp the meaning of the meal. As with a normal Lord’s Supper, Stew will lead at 10am and Matt at 6pm. We will read the Scriptures and lead in prayer; and then lead us through sharing the bread and the wine, inviting us in each location to break and share the bread and the juice. (We remind you, even in homes, to be careful with hygiene). We are excited about the prospect of celebrating the Lord’s supper with the church family this weekend as we give thanks to God that though we fall short of the glory of God, we are justified freely by his grace. That is some good news we don’t ever want to forget!
Music Review
Check out some contemporary Christian music by Ghost Ship on Spotify
Check out some kids Christian music by Ben Pakula on Spotify
‘The Good Life Gym‘
What is ‘The good life Gym’!? It’s us encouraging each other to make the most of social isolation by growing in godliness. So send in your photos of what helps you to live the good life of the gospel: A prayer journal, a friend on ZOOM, a place you like to do your quiet time. You might like to have a bit of fun with it or others might prefer a more reflective image. But the goal is to be encouraged by photos of each other and to provide some extra enthusiasm to help us keep growing as followers of Jesus. We’ll include some photos in our Sunday Scatterings and also put one image up on the SCPC instagram page each week.
Leadership Team Report
Stew Playsted will be inducted as Lead Pastor on Wednesday 3rd June. Everyone is invited to join in via Zoom. Details will be shared closer to the date.
Keeping Our Distance
With Covid-19 restrictions easing, we still need to keep 1.5m distance between us and our visitors. Keep social distancing in mind when you send in your photos.
Term 2 Book Club: Crazy Busy
This week, read chapter 5. The discussion night will be at the end of term on June 24.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact your Gospel Community Vision Coordinator or speak to a staff member.
Church Family Prayer | |||
Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving the World | |
Sunday | Praise God for his unfailing love and perfect faithfulness. | Pray we can be filled with the Spirit and love Jesus more than the world. | Pray that the gospel will be boldly shared all across the world and that Christians can show Christ’s love to each other and to those who don’t yet know Him. |
Monday | Give thanks for God’s word, perfect, true and good for us in every way. | Pray for everyone reading the Bible one to one that the Word will be coming to life in their hearts. | Praise God that the country M is in has had a lot of success fighting Covid-19. Pray that the government will continue to look after its people. Pray that M can have opportunities to talk to her friend T and neighbours about Jesus. |
Tuesday | Pray that the Holy Spirit would grow in us a deep desire to know God more and more through his word. | Ask God to take our burdens and give us joy as we invite the Bible into our time & relationships. For Andrew & Rachel Jones | Pray for our national, state and local governments as they continue to try and make wise decisions in response to Covid-19. Pray that as restrictions are eased people won’t become complacent and will consider the needs of those around them. |
Wednesday | Praise God for his gracious gift of his own son who redeems us from our rebellion and makes us his dearly loved children. | Ask God to give godly wisdom to our Gospel Community Vison Co-ordinators as they lead our GCs. | Pray with Linda that she can get home to Australia in June. Pray for energy as she packs up her house and puts it into storage. Pray for all the farewells she will have and the wrapping up of ministry. Pray that her technology issues (computer broke) can quickly be sorted. |
Thursday | Give thanks for the way that God has revealed himself to us – holding nothing back from us as we sadly often mistakenly claim. | Pray we can preach the gospel to ourselves when we face temptations and challenges. | Pray for Papua New Guinea. Give thanks that Covid-19 has not gone rampant but seems to have been stopped. Pray that the government will seek to care for all of its people and that Christians there will continue to share the hope and love of Jesus. |
Friday | Pray that our love for God and his word will radiate from us for the encouragement of others & lead them to Christ for salvation. | Pray for our Youth and leaders to make wise and godly choices as they spur one another on to follow Jesus. | Pray with R for wisdom for decisions to do with the loss of her job, for accommodation and a future visa. Pray also for wisdom in discussions with her friends who don’t believe and especially for one who has told her that she no longer believes in Jesus |
Saturday | Praise the God of all creation who is just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. | Give thanks for the gift of Christian music and for our SCPC & SCG music teams. | Pray for China as it works to ensure a second wave of Covid-19 does not occur. Pray that the government will seek to look after all of its people. Pray that Christians there will be bold, that persecution against them will stop and that they can lovingly share Christ’s eternal hope. |
Please use this table to inform your prayers throughout the week |
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