Sunday 14th June 2020

Welcome! to our Sunday Scattering online. Wherever you find yourself scattered, we pray you will be encouraged from God’s word throughout our Term 3 series ‘The Good News We Almost Forgot’.
This Sunday we open to Hebrews 10:11-25 to consider that Christ’s death once for all clears our conscience. We’ll be asking the question: How do you know true rest?
Following, is all the information you will need to be able to benefit from our scatterings this Sunday.
Lord’s Supper this Sunday
This Sunday at our 10am and 6pm Sunday Scatterings on Zoom, we will share in the Lord’s supper together.
In preparation, we ask you to have some simple bread and some grape juice ready.
Grape juice is available from the Church office if you need some or water or other juice can be used as a substitute.
As with a normal Lord’s Supper, Stew will lead at 10am and Matt at 6pm.
We’ll read the Scriptures, pray, share bread and wine, inviting us in each location to break and share the bread and the juice. (We remind you, even in homes, to be careful with hygiene).
We are looking forward to celebrating the Lord’s supper with our church family this weekend as we remember the new covenant that God makes with humanity, that through faith in Jesus’ death, God forgives our sin and remembers it no more. That is good news we don’t ever want to forget!
Sunday Scattering Zoom link
Instructions for connecting to ZOOM for our Sunday Scatterings can be found in the attached document.
Click here to join the Zoom webinar from 9:30am or 5:30pm on Sunday 14th June 2020. Alternatively, when you open Zoom on your device, you can use the meeting ID: 657 139 469.
Our Sunday Scatterings will begin at 10am and 6pm.
Night Church Zoom Room
After our 6pm Night Church Scattering we invite you for a catch-up by joining our Zoom Room. Click here to join the After-Night-Church-Zoom Room from 7pm each Sunday.
Kids Church
Hi kids!! This week’s very important QUESTION and ANSWER about the “Good News We Almost Forgot” is…”WHY DO WE SHARE THE LORD’S SUPPER?” We will always find the answers in God’s Word, the Bible. Don’t forget to check out your questions, puzzles and colouring, in the download documents below. Please contact the office if you are unable to access these.
Kids Church Zoom rooms at 11:15 am
We have set up some Zoom rooms for primary school kids (Year 3-6) & SCG to meet with their kids church leaders, play a game and work through the kids church material together. To join, just click on the kids church class your child is in and use the same password as before.
Year 3-6 Girls or Meeting ID: 781102755
Year 3-4 Boys or Meeting ID: 303656924
Year 5-6 Boys or Meeting ID: 919229117
SCG Kids Church or Meeting ID: 184826139
Church Family News
DNA #7 Postponed
So that we can share meals with our friends this week leading into Food for Thought Sunday, we are postponing DNA study #7 ‘How Wide the Divide’ until next week 22-26 June.
From Scattered to Gathered Information Night
This Wednesday evening 17th June from 7:30pm to 8pm on Zoom, Leadership Team welcomes everyone to join them for an information night to discuss the process of change from Sunday Scatterings to Sunday Gatherings. Click here to join
Youth Re-gathering
Yay! Youth will re-gather & meet face to face from Friday 19th June at Park Ave 7-9pm. Social distancing rules will apply and leaders will marshal the drop-off & pick up zones on Park Ave. Only leaders can park in the car park.
Dining Out for Food for Thought Week
Now that we can book a table at a favourite restaurant and take some friends out for dinner, why not take the opportunity this week in the lead up to Food for Thought Sunday? It would be a great way to encourage our friends to think about the three questions below and invite them to our homes for Food for Thought Sunday on June 21.
- What do you live for? What is important?
- Does it matter what and how people think?
- What is the philosophy of Jesus Christ?
Food for Thought Sunday
On Sunday 21st June, David Robertson will be zooming into SCPC to help us & our friends understand how people think so that we can present them with the best idea of all. We will look at the various ways that people think – contrast that with the way of Christ – and then look at each other again through Christ’s eyes.
Keeping Our Distance
With Covid-19 restrictions easing, we still need to keep 1.5m distance between us and our visitors. Keep social distancing in mind when you send in your photos.
Term 2 Book Club: Crazy Busy
This week, read chapter 9. The discussion night will be at the end of term on June 24.
Church Family Prayer
Church Family Prayer | |||
Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving the World | |
Sunday | Rejoice in Jesus’ one sacrifice for sins. | Give thanks that in Christ we have unity that transcends all kinds of divides. | Pray for Linda as she prepares to return to Australia this coming week. Pray that she will get everything packed, have time for church family and friends and that her flight won’t be cancelled. |
Monday | Give thanks that due to Jesus’ finished work on the cross, he is seated at God’s right hand. | Ask God to help us step through cultural divides with the gospel. | Pray for Pakistan with Covid. Infections have been recently increasing and lockdown measures have also been eased. Pray for Christians facing increased persecution. |
Tuesday | Confess that we can lack the confidence to approach God due to our sin. | Pray we can have good conversations about what we live for and why. | Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters around the world. Pray that they will all be able to get support while in lockdown in their own countries. Pray for God’s strength as they continue to share Jesus. |
Wednesday | Admit that can we still find ourselves plagued by a guilty conscience. | Ask God to help us reflect on what is important in our lives. | Pray for R that she is able to work out what is happening with her future regarding work, visas and accommodation. Pray with her that during Covid many are being drawn to Jesus. |
Thursday | Rejoice that we can draw near to God with full assurance of faith. | Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to conform our thinking to the likeness of Jesus’ thinking. | Pray that we as a country will look to love and support other nations during this pandemic. Pray that we as Christians will be prayerful and practical in love here in Australia and overseas. |
Friday | Give thanks that God is faithful to his promises. | Pray that our friends will accept invitations to Food for Thought Sunday. | Pray for Brazil as cases and deaths continue to rise and restrictions are being eased. Pray that many will come to know real and everlasting hope in Jesus. |
Saturday | Ask that we might consider how to spur each other on to love and good deeds. | Pray for David Robertson as he challenges our thinking tomorrow at Food for Thought Sunday. | Thank God with M that Covid has been managed well in her country and restrictions are continually easing. Pray with M that she will have opportunities to connect more and share Jesus with local friends. |
Please use this table to inform your prayers throughout the week |
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact your Gospel Community Vision Coordinator or speak to a staff member.
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