The Pastors’ Pen

This Sunday, Matt (Goonellabah) and Stew (East Lismore) will be preaching from 1 Corinthians 4 on the topic of leadership in God’s church. 

We’ll also no longer be required to wear face masks. I know for some this will be a relief, but for others it will be a cause for concern. If it is a concern for you, there are options to watch the 9:45am gathering via zoom or to sit in a more spaced out area up the back if you’d prefer. 

Wherever you’re at with it, this is an opportunity for God to keep growing in us an upside-down love for people who think or feel differently to how we do. So do be seeking to cultivate that love in the Spirit’s power.

Also this Sunday, we’ll be holding our Annual General Meeting at 11:30am at Lismore High. This meeting will be to confirm the budget that was prepared at November’s congregational meeting. 

As we seek to grow followers of Jesus, here is an encouragement from 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 in last Sunday’s Bible passage:

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but it is God who makes it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters I’m anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”

Ritchie, Families Pastor.

Posted in Pastors Post

The Lounge Room

Join us for The Lounge Room on Wednesday 23rd February at 11am, where we’ll hear from John Bradshaw.

You can either come in person to Park Ave or tune in from home via Zoom.

To register, please click the button below. All the Zoom details will be emailed directly to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Posted in General

The Pastors’ Pen

With SCPC Celebration Sunday 2021 still fresh in our memories, Southern Cross Goonellabah (SCG) is going to have our very first Celebration Sunday in Goonellabah. Five years young, we will celebrate God’s amazing love for us and the wonderful work that he continues to give us, reaching out to our town with the love of God, expressed ultimately through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

What a challenging, yet joyful five years it’s been for us.

Personally, I still miss spending lots of time with my wider church family at SCPC but I have also thoroughly enjoyed growing in love for my church family here in Goonellabah, and seeing others come to know Jesus and all of us growing in faith. Praise God for his marvellous work in our hearts!

As COVID restrictions ease, I pray that we will remain sensitive toward others who may still be cautious about gathering, and I pray that we will continue to be creative about how we love each other.

At SCG, we’ll be taking a break from our preaching series in 1 Corinthians, and will be celebrating the foundation of our love; celebrating God’s love for us as we study Jesus’ new commandment to love one another as he has loved us (John 13:34-35).

May we all rest securely in the foundation of his love and in response love each other deeply, so that everyone will know that we are Jesus’ disciples and we pray that more and more people in Lismore and Goonellabah will know the love of the Father through the gracious gift of his son.

Posted in Pastors Post

The Pastors’ Pen

Welcome to The Pastors’ Pen. A written update for life at Southern Cross.

Tomorrow, our prayer is that our leaders from SCPC and the church family as a whole would join us at Lismore High School, as Southern Cross is hosting the Northern Rivers Presbytery Breaking the Silence training day from 3pm-6pm.

This training occurs every three years and is crucial for us to protect our mission to grow followers of Jesus.

Abuse in the church is surely the fastest way to destroy Christ’s name, his bride, the church for whom he died, and his precious brothers and sisters for whom he died. Would you come? We pray you will.

Then, in two weeks, on 27th February, we will have our Annual General Meeting (AGM). A large portion of this meeting is to confirm the budget for 2022, but having prepared it for our congregational meeting in November last year, we expect this should be a clear and concise meeting.

Members of the church family are welcome this coming Wednesday, 16th February, to join the Committee of Management (COM) from 7:30-8pm to ask questions about the 2022 budget as we prepare for the AGM on 27th February.

This week has been an interesting one as I have been reflecting on how we grow the church. We know abuse will destroy it. Generosity with our time, gifts and money can assist it. But the proven tool for growing followers of Jesus is God’s trustworthy and faithful word.

Are you spending time listening to God? Has 2022 seen you connected with our living God?

Even though it’s February, it is never too late to recommit to opening your life to God’s living word. Come along to our Equip on Tuesday 22nd February as we spend time thinking about God’s word in our life and taking the rush out of it. God’s word is powerful. It grows the church. Listen to this from Hebrews chapter 4:

12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Posted in Pastors Post