Updated 16.8.22
We thank our SCPC & SCG family, our community and some wonderful people from further afield for the amazing donations of food, toiletries, water, baby supplies, pet food and cleaning products!
We have now transferred all of our donations to the ‘FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION CENTRE’ at 51 Wyrallah Road, East Lismore, open 9am-5pm.
Please share the new location and direct people there to access free supplies. Alternatively, if you continue to have donations to share then drop them off at 51 Wyrallah Road, East Lismore, between 9am – 5pm.

If you would like to help us #droplove in Lismore by GIVING FINANCIALLY, the bank details to contribute to are:
BSB: 062 674
Account Number: 2800 9498
Account Name: Southern Cross Presbyterian Church
If you can OFFER ASSISTANCE WITH THE CLEANUP/REBUILD EFFORT, and particularly if you have specialist skills (e.g. builder, electrician, engineer etc.), please now register with Resilient Lismore.

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