Celebration Sunday

The combined congregations of Southern Cross Presbyterian Church will be gathering for a special celebration service Sunday 18th September, 9:30am at Lismore High School hall (no evening church that day).

The service will celebrate the great things God is doing in our church family. We will share lunch afterwards and there will be fun activities for the whole family.

By God‘s grace, as we journey together through life‘s joys and struggles, we see many exciting things happen in our church—people coming to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, kids growing up in the Lord, adults spurring one another on to serve Christ more wholeheartedly—it‘s only fitting that we celebrate.

Celebration Sunday is all about acknowledging and expressing our great thanks to God for all that he has done, and all that he continues to do, in us and through us at Southern Cross.


As a significant part of celebration Sunday, we want to celebrate God‘s saving work in and through our church. An important part of responding to our salvation is taking the opportunity to publicly affirm our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and baptism is a great accompanying symbol to this public affirmation. For this reason, we want to invite anyone who desires to respond to God‘s mercy and grace by public affirming their faith in Jesus and being baptised, to do so in front of our church family on celebration Sunday. If this is you, then please speak to a staff member or a member of leadership team, who can provide you with further details.


Another exciting thing that God continues to do among us is to bring new people into our church family. We consider every one of these people to be a great gift from God and so we do all that we can to invite them to participate fully in the life of our church. As with baptism, becoming a member also involves a public affirmation of faith in Christ as well as some great promises of commitment to His people at Southern Cross. Once again, this is something worth celebrating!

starting on Sunday 7th August we will be running the Crossroads course for anyone interested in preparing for baptism or membership as part of our Celebration Sunday celebrations. Please speak to Pete or Julie if you’re interested in knowing more.

Posted in General

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