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Church Family News 2019 02 03

Term One Kick-Offs Weekly DNA’s swing back into gear this week along with our Mum & Me Time playgroup on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at Park Ave 10-11:30am and Youth on Friday nights at Lismore High 7-9pm. Crosswires 2019 Collect

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Church Family News 2019 01 27

START Meeting Bring your Series Companion along to our Term One START meeting at Park Ave TONIGHT, 7:30pm and make the most of every opportunity that first term has in store for our church family. Kids Church Leaders Training Day

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Church Family News 2019 01 20

Book Club Want to Enjoy your relationship with God more in 2019? Then sign up at the community table to get a copy of ENJOYING GOD, our SCPC Book Club text for Term 1. Term 1 Series Companions & START

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Church Family News 2019 01 13

2019 Crosswires Its time to check and update your photos and details in our church family Crosswires directory. Head over to the Community table to make sure your address, phone and email details are correct. See Bronwyn if your photo

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