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Term 3 youth gatherings launch this Friday the 29th of July 7PM-9PM at LHS (No BBQ dinner provided)

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No youth gathering tonight due to youth leaders meeting. See you all next Friday the 29th of July 7pm-9pm at LHS.

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Youth grandparents (and a host of others) never leave on safari without them!

Jon M, Greg & Isabelle, Judy R, Wayne and Adelle thank you for being willing to go on safari! Your gospel generosity is apparent, in your tireless efforts across the week, we really couldn’t do it without you. Wendy and

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Packing for safari

lunch for the first day goodies to share for morning/afternoon teas drink bottle tea towel toiletries (including towel) sleeping bag, pillow (including fitted single sheet) warm clothing walking/running shoes (covered footwear) old clothes & shoes swimmers a small amount of

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