Blog Archives

Youth Leaders meeting this Friday the 13th of Oct

No youth this Friday night the 13th of October. Our leaders may look a little scared about Friday the 13th for a leaders meeting.  But they are excited about our term 4 plans for youth gatherings! Juniors don’t forget YC17

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Colin is coming to town…

Colin Buchanan is  coming to town Thursday October 26 for an adult concert, 6:30pm doors open at Alstonville Baptist Church: If you think you have a friend ‘who’d like Jesus’. You should invite them along (Have a listen below)!

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Young adults training

Young adults come along tonight to Park Ave from 6pm for dinner followed by some training as we consider; ‘How to be a friend that sticks closer than a brother!’

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Celebration Sunday

What a glorious and joyful day at Celebration Sunday today. To be reminded that we have peace with God through Jesus Christ, should get anyone dancing! What a treat it was to join with the reformers John Calvin and Martin

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