Blog Archives


So were you taken by surprise on Saturday that apart from voting for Councillors and for a Mayor you also had to vote on a possible change to the Constitution? And if you hadn’t given it much thought (if any),

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It’s the End of the World as we Know it…”

It seems a good while since we’ve had a good old-fashioned “end of the world” prediction, but that’s what we got yesterday. However, this time the script was written a little differently, wasn’t it? This warning didn’t come through the

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Love Lismore

Council elections loom this Saturday and an interesting theme in the language of several candidates is the idea of ‘loving Lismore’. I suppose it’s the idea that there’s something more important than just politics and roads and parks and… it’s

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Keep it Real

Hi all Just posting a brief blog as I finalise some preparation for Sunday’s Bible Talk. It’s a funny thing preaching again after one of the longest breaks I’ve had from it in 11 years – 6 weeks off. And

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