Blog Archives

Growup: day 276

Matthew 18:15 – 20:34 Sorry its been so long! It’s been great getting into the new testament. Though I have felt as though I just wanted the bible in a year to pause in time so I could take in

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Growup: day ?? 257??

Esther 4 – 7 Esther is often thought of as a book without God – there is no explicit mention of him and yet (if you remember back to David Cook’s talks at NCCC) there is something implicit throughout the

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Church camp and celebration Sunday

Well, how did you all pull up from the weekend? Recovered? It was great to spend a weekend away as a church family celebrating the wonderful grace that was shown to us in Jesus. Its been pretty tops hearing people’s

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Growup: day 244

Daniel 11 – 12 I was so tempted to skip today’s blog because I had no idea what to write. I think I have been realising over the last few months, just how much of the bible I don’t understand,

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