Blog Archives

Growup: day 334

Mark 1 – 3 Hey guys sorry about the delay! Hope you made it this far… I’ve been reading Mark a bit recently but rereading the first three chapters in one hit just reminded me how the gospel of Mark

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Growup: day 329

Ephesians 4:17 – 6:24 Being IN CHRIST really does change how we do EVERYTHING… I mean, just look at the passage we read this morning – our whole lives as a body of believers is about being a beacon, a

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Growup: day 315

Romans 10 – 12 I have to admit that I am a few days behind and struggling to catchup – its Romans! There is so much in Romans that is mind boggling and challenging. I read the chapters this morning

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Women’s Retreat this weekend

The women’s retreat is this weekend! It’ll be a great weekend of getting into God’s word, hearing from women in our church and getting to know women of all different ages as well as just having fun together. We’ve got

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