Blog Archives

Engaging people’s heart the way Jesus did

You may have heard of “Questioning Evangelism” by Randy Newman – it was one of the books briefly mentioned in this term’s bible study booklet. Steve also mentioned it during one of the recent Connect 09 talks. I picked it

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O-week has been very exciting (refer to blog about “O-Week at SCU”).  We have had many opportunities to freely speak about the Bible Talks and the gospel of Jesus with others.  People’s responses have been mixed – some are apologetic,

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Meet the Baloghs

Last Sunday, Pete spoke with Akos, Sarah & Lucinda Balogh, who are visiting from Sydney.  You may remember Akos from last Summer, when he visited SCPC and preached from John and Jude over a few weeks. Akos is in his

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Happy Christmas!

Just a quick to note to say Happy Christmas from the ministry team.  This morning was really lovely and I always find it so special to see others from my church family on Christmas morning.  The talk given by Steve Cree on Christmas

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