Blog Archives

Why does God let people use religion as a tool for war?

Last week, we looked at the question, How could a good God allow suffering? We looked at pain and suffering, and how the answer is found in Jesus. We all know and can see that war results in pain and

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Have you ever heard 3 people tell the same story but notice that there were slight differences in the details? Last term, someone asked the question: The gospel can’t seem to agree on who actually saw the resurrected Jesus at

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Working Bee coming up next Sunday…

As you may have already heard, Lismore High School are having a working bee on Sunday 17 May from 8.30am to 1.30pm. This is a great chance to support and strengthen our relationship with the school; if you able to

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Grill a Christian is FINALLY happening

It seems like we have just been waiting and thankfully, tomorrow (that is: Thursday) at 12noon – ‘Grill a Christian’ is on! The amazing difference between two weeks ago and this week is the picture perfect North Coast weather. According

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