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Growup: Day 8

Genesis 26:1 – 29:30 So much deception – its like days of our lives (not that I watch this show) – Isaac deceives his neighbours about Rebekah being his sister, not his wife because he was afraid that he might

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Growup: Day 7

Genesis 24:1-25:34 Its my turn to write something for this week (Julie here)… In this passage we read about the search for a wife for Isaac and how he came to marry Rebekah; Abraham’s death and then children for Isaac

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Growup: day 6

Genesis 21:1 – 23:20 Good morning everyone! Hope the daily reading is going well… I started off sluggish but back on track now! There is alot in today’s passages – From the birth of Isaac, the promised child to Abraham

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Women’s Retreat 2009!

Last year, the women’s retreat tried something different and held the “retreat” at Park Avenue. It was a great weekend hearing from women in our church about how God’s grace has transformed their lives and how they are serving in

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