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Growup: day 40

Numbers 10:1 – 13:23 There’s been a pause in the story of Israel. After all the instructions and the commands, we rejoin the story where the people were in waiting. They haven’t entered the promise land yet and were getting

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Growup: day 34

Leviticus 20:1 – 22:33 ok, so there were 3 things that I was pondering on this morning… – The holiness of God: almost at the end of each command or block of instructions there are these words – “I am

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Growup: day 27

I don’t know about you but these last few chapters have been a struggle – my big question has been why? Why are all these instructions in the bible? Well, yesterday Pete floated the theory about the Word of God

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Growup: Day 20

Exodus 15:1 – 17:16 These chapters are such a contrast – it starts of with Israel giving great praise to God of His might, His majesty and His faithfulness… Look at verse 13: “In your unfailing love you will lead

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