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Growup: day 47

Numbers 33:1 – 36:13 Good morning! Well, we’ve reached the end of another book of the bible. How have you been going with your daily readings? In these 4 chapters, there are details on Israel’s journey to the promise land.

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This Week’s Bible Talk

This week’s Bible Talk took us to 1 Timothy 2:1-7 where we discovered that our King’s desire is to grow his kingdom, redeeming men, from slavery and lies by paying their ransom with his own life. click on the following

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Growup: day 42

Nunbers 16:36 – 19:22  I realised I gave away the ending of yesterdays reading… sorry about that! I read too far ahead… I admit I have been struggling with the readings, not necessarily with motivation but with sincere joy in

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Growup: day 41

Numbers 14:1 – 16:35 Well, the story continues… The people heard the reports about the promised land and freaked out. They forgot that they were only there because of God’s faithfulness to His promise. They seemed to think that they

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