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Growup: day 96??

1 Chron 18:1 – 22:1 Have you ever been shown the extent of your own pride and sin? The account of David’s pride in “his” army and the consequence seems strange for a man who a few chapters earlier was

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Growup: Day 90

2 Samuel 12:1 – 14:24 We hit the 3month mark! 90days into reading the bible in a year and we reach the rebuke of Nathan and the consequence of David’s sin – the death of his son and the calamity

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Growup: day 83

1 Samuel 20–22 I don’t know whether the account in chapter 21 sounded familiar to you but in Luke 6:1–11 (also in Matthew 12:1–14 & Mark 2:23–3:6), there’s the story of Jesus rebuking the Pharisees for not understanding the law

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Growup: day 76

Sorry about the late blog! I completely lost track of the days of the week and where we were up to on the bible reading as I forgot to take the booklet on holidays with me! It was great to

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