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Growup: day 209

I realised coming back from holidays that i am a bit behind (I forgot to pick up a term 3 booklet!) but i believe we’re up to Jeremiah 43 – 46… In today’s reading, one thing that stuck out was

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Growup: day 188

Nahum 1 – 3 far out… if you have ever pictured God as being all (and ONLY) about cute little kittens, puppies or teddy bears (the pictures that often on posters with bible verses), then reading the judgment that was

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Growup: day 181

Isaiah 23 – 26 Have you ever wondered why relationships  go bad…? I was really challenged by God’s Word on Sunday and how easy it is to slip into the pattern of thinking about what you can get out of

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Growup: day 174

2 Chronicles 31:2 – 32:33 It has been great to read the stories of the kings of Israel and Judah as well as studying 1 Samuel at church and in small group. The main reason that I am enjoying it

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