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The Pastors’ Pen

During the week the Northern Rivers Presbytery hosted a MTS info night at Park Ave. After a difficult and complicated meeting for the Presbytery in the morning, it was such a refreshing night and an incredible way to finish the

Posted in Pastors Post

The Pastors’ Pen

We held our Food For Thought events over the weekend. Here’s an encouragement and a challenge…  Encouragement Across our three gatherings there were approximately 45 guests, and likely many and many more invitations on top of that as well! It’s

Posted in Pastors Post

The Pastors’ Pen

Welcome to the Pastors’ Pen – an update for life at Southern Cross… Only three more sleeps until Food for Thought Sunday! This is a great Sunday to help us focus on ourcore mission to grow followers of Jesus. We

Posted in General

The Pastors’ Pen

Welcome to the Pastors’ Pen – an update for life at SCPC… Once a term, Peita (our Ministry Coordinator) and I aim to book in a meeting with the Principal and Administrative/Business Manager of Lismore High. We have aspired to

Posted in Pastors Post