Blog Archives

Sunday Soccer

Sunday Soccer is on… Come along each Sunday to LHS field to play from 3-4pm.

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Youth Leader Profiles: Jasmin Ritchie

At SCPC we love our youth and that means we love our youth leaders. You may have a teenager in YOUTH, be someone who has been through YOUTH, or be currently going to YOUTH. We thought it’d be good to

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Youth Leader Profiles: Mark Tirris

At SCPC we love our youth and that means we love our youth leaders. You may have a teenager in YOUTH, be someone who has been through YOUTH, or be currently going to YOUTH. We thought it’d be good to

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NCCC Raising Mission Minded Kids

God is a mission minded God. To have been blessed with Salvation by such a God, must spur us on to be similarly Mission minded and to want to develop this heart and mind in our children. Kirrily’s seminar will

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