Blog Archives

Photos for Celebration Sunday!!!

Celebration Sunday is coming up. So make sure you send in some photos of thing happening within your groups. The theme is ‘tell me story’. So we want photos from your groups that ‘show’ us the stories of your life

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Engaging With Islam: Debate

Here is the video of the recent debate at SCU on the question; ‘did Jesus die for the sins of the world?’   Also feel free to checkout Sam Green’s website

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Global Mission… Is it your goal?

We all (every Christian, everywhere) have a role to play in global mission. The Global Mission Partners ministry has been started to build this vision and help make this happen in our Church. Our goal? To be radical together. Why?

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Engaging Islam. Debating Islam.

Engaging: How should we as Christians think about Islam? For those of us with Islamic friends/collegues/family, how do we speak to them about Jesus? How can we better pray for, and support the gospel going out to the Islamic world?

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