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Daily Devotional: Luke 22:63-65

Read Luke 22:63-65Jesus is completely abandoned. The disciples being scattered (best described in Matt 26:56), apart from Peter, who followed Jesus after his arrest, has now also denied Him as predicted (vs 54-60). He has been accused by the priests

Posted in General, Hope in the Darkness

Daily Devotional: Luke 22:54b-62

When Jesus was doing miracles…

Posted in General, Hope in the Darkness

How to Live for Jesus in the Age of COVID-19

Richard Chin and Dr Charlotte Hespe will be the two panellists TONIGHT as The Gospel Coalition stream a live webinar with Q & A from 7:30-9:30pm (AEDT) where the topic ‘How to Live for Jesus in the Age of COVID-19’

Posted in General

Daily Devotionals: Luke 22:47-54a

Read Luke 22:47-54a It seems as if there was a crowd / angry mob with Judas. From this, it seems that despite the popularity of Jesus at times, there were still plenty of people who were willing to do whatever

Posted in General, Hope in the Darkness