Blog Archives

Daily Devotionals Luke 23:1-5

Read Luke 23:1-5Before this chapter, Jesus was brought before the Jewish leaders and they found him ‘guilty’ of blasphemy (claiming to be the Son of God). However, the Jewish elders had no power to sentence Jesus to death. So in

Posted in General, Hope in the Darkness

New Gospel Opportunities

On Mondays, we will provide a one minute video from The Gospel Coalition to help you and your family make the most of the gospel opportunities this week during the COVID-19 pandemic. This week’s video is titled: How is Christianity

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Sunday Scatterings

Sunday 29th March 2020 Welcome! To our Sunday Scatterings online. Wherever you find yourself scattered, we pray you will be encouraged from God’s word as we open to Acts 11 and see that God has a bigger vision for the

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Daily Devotionals: Luke 22:66-71

Read Luke 22:66-71Day breaks and Jesus stands trial before the elders, priests and teachers and they ask Jesus to tell them if he is the Messiah. It sounds innocent but what they mean is ‘We say you are NOT the

Posted in General, Hope in the Darkness