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Do you really love God and your neighbour?

I recently read a bit of a Jerry Bridges book called ‘Holiness Day by Day’. It really humbled me as i thought about what it means to obey God and live for him. Read it for yourself: Have you thought

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A Day in the life of Metro

If you’re a part of our church there’s a good chance you’ve heard of ‘Metro’. It’s a two year ‘ministry apprenticeship’, where people are trained in ministry full time. However have you ever wondered what Metro trainees actually do day-to-day?

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God-centered mindset vs Man-centered mindset

At church we have just finished the five talk series called From God. For God.  We saw that God was at the centre of all of the bible story.  Something that came up quite a lot was the difference between

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Holiday Series: From God For God

Genesis to Revelation

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