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Food for Thought Dinner

Tuesday 27th November. Dinner-Talk-Discussion at the Lismore Heights Bowling Club on the topic of “Tolerance”. Invite your friends. Tickets $20. Let Pete know today.

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Church Family News 2018 11 18

Supporters Night Anyone struggling with same sex attraction is invited to a supporters night at Pete and Suzie’s tomorrow (22nd November), 7:30pm, 54 Spring Street East Lismore. Vision Sunday Make sure you’re around for Vision Sunday this week so that

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Church Family News 2018 11 11

Elders Prayer Meeting If you would like the elders to be praying for you or something you’re concerned about, please either join them at Park Ave at 4pm tonight or send an email to YC ONE Youth from other

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Blokes Go Bush with Band

G’day Blokes! Its time for all SCG and SCPC blokes to get away for an overnighter to the stunning green hills of Afterlee this weekend (9th & 10th of November). There’ll be some great Brazillian BBQ along with some fine

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