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Church Family News 2018 09 02

Donations to PIM and Jericho Road If you would like to help those struggling with the drought, we suggest two ways: 1) Give to support one of our PIM teams working in those areas. This will help put diesel in their

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100 Stories 100 Words

Celebration Sunday is only 4 weeks away! Please submit your 100 word stories soon so that we can incorporate them on the day. Stories could come in the form of prose, poetry, a song… and could be captured on paper,

Posted in General

Elders Prayer Meeting

If you would like the elders to be praying for you or something you’re concerned about, please either join them at Park Ave at 4pm this Wednesday or send an email to

Posted in General

Church Family News 2018 08 26

Elders Prayer Meeting If you would like the elders to be praying for you or something you’re concerned about, please either join them at Park Ave at 4pm this Wednesday or send an email to The Doova Save the

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