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Church Family News 2018 10 07

Term 4 START Meeting Our term 4 Series Companions will be available to collect this Sunday. Term 4 kicks off with our START meeting at Park Ave on Tuesday 16th October, 7:30pm. We’ll introduce the Bible teaching for the term

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“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34

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Church Family News 2018 09 30

Daylight Saving Begins This Sunday 7th October is the beginning of Daylight Saving. Move your clocks forward one hour or you’ll miss most of the Sunday gathering!   Term 4 START Meeting Our term 4 Series Companions will be available

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Church Family News 2018 09 23

Women Helping Women – Part 3 This 4 part webinar series for women over 18, provides practical training to think biblically and minister graciously to sexual strugglers. It discusses God’s design for sexuality, how patterns of sexual and relational sin

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