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Church Family News 17 02 19

SCU O Week Keep an eye out for new uni students this week as O Week is underway at SCU. EC (Evangelical Christians) are maintaining a high profile on campus this week with pancake breakfasts, aiming to connect with new

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Church Family News 170212

Hoopla! – Young Adults Hoop-la [hup-lah]: bustling excitement or activity; commotion;hullabaloo.  Apparently that’s what’s in store for all Southern Cross young adults as they head out on a beach trip to Lennox Head for some training this Friday night. The party

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Prayer Focus 170205

The Persecuted Church Praise our almighty God who we can trust and rely on to be with us in every situation. Give thanks for the Holy Spirit who strengthens the faith of Christians living under political and cultural persecution for

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Church Family News 170205

Open Doors Event Open Doors is holding a Persecuted Church info night this Wednesday, 8th February, 7pm @ Lismore Christian Family Fellowship, South Lismore.     Term One: Meet Jesus Our Term One series is ‘Meet Jesus’ from John’s gospel.

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