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Church Family News 2019 09 15

Book Club Book Club discussion evening is on TONIGHT 18th September, 7:30pm at Park Ave. Everyone is welcome but it’ll be most helpful if you’ve read the book ;-). 9:15AM START for Celebration Sunday The gathering will commence at 9:15am at

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Church Family News 2019 09 01

Youth at Park Ave this Friday Youth and year sixers can be dropped off at 7pm and picked up at 9pm from Park Ave this Friday evening 6th September. In-between they will be playing tennis at the East Lismore courts.

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Church Family News 2019 08 25

NCCC ManCon 2019 What could a 3000 year-old love story have to say to a bunch of Aussie men?! There’s only one way to find out! Fill your car (or grab a lift) with a bunch of friends and head

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Church Family News 2019 08 18

Equip: Jesus & Sexuality We’ll be joining a livestream event from the Centre of Christian Living with Ed Shaw speaking on Jesus & Sexuality. It all starts at 7:30pm at Park Ave on Wednesday 21st August. NCCC ManCon 2019 What

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