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Sunday Scatterings & Gatherings 5th July 2020

Sunday 5th July 2020 Welcome! This is the second of our Sundays in transition. Today, a portion of our Morning Church family (Coutts & Herd Gospel Communities) are taking their turn to meet at Park Avenue at 10am. And we

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Sunday Scatterings & Gatherings 28th June 2020

Sunday 28th June 2020 Welcome! This is the first of our Sundays in transition. Morning Church remains scattered and will be online at 10am but Night Church will be gathering at Park Avenue at 6pm. Wherever you find yourself scattered

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Sundays: Gathered but Multiplied

Welcome to Southern Cross Presbyterian Church. We’re glad you’re here!  This Sunday, most of our church family is meeting together face to face across 4 venues around Lismore & Goonellabah as listed in the contact tracing register. If you’re unable to

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Book Club: Crazy Busy

Our bookclub discussion night is Thursday 25th June, 7:30pm at Park Ave.

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