God wants us to pray BiG prayers. Small prayers start with I, BiG prayers start with G(od). Prayer is first & foremost about engaging with God, talking to him, relating to him. So one of the best things about prayer is that as we talk to God we’re reminded of his character and we get to know him better. He becomes more real to us. This is why Praise & Adoration are such important parts of prayer and are a great way to start a BiG prayer (Confession, Thanksgiving & Supplication (requests) then follow: ACTS). Col 1:15-20 gives us a BiG picture of Jesus and of God’s plans fulfilled in him. It shows us a lot about what God is like. As we pray to this BiG God, his concerns/loves become our concerns/loves. This leads us to pray BiG prayers for each other. Instead of praying for little things like Aunt Mary’s in-grown toenail, we’ll pray BiG prayers for each other like Paul prays for the Colossians in 1:9-14 (and then pray for Aunt Mary ;-)). We’ll also pray BiG prayers for the world like Paul asks the Colossians to do in 4:2-6.
God wants us to pray BiG prayers. Small prayers start with I, BiG prayers start with G(od). Prayer is first & foremost about engaging with God, talking to him, relating to him. So one of the best things about prayer is that as we talk to God we’re reminded of his character and we get to know him better. He becomes more real to us. This is why Praise & Adoration are such important parts of prayer and are a great way to start a BiG prayer (Confession, Thanksgiving & Supplication (requests) then follow: ACTS). Col 1:15-20 gives us a BiG picture of Jesus and of God’s plans fulfilled in him. It shows us a lot about what God is like. As we pray to this BiG God, his concerns/loves become our concerns/loves. This leads us to pray BiG prayers for each other. Instead of praying for little things like Aunt Mary’s in-grown toenail, we’ll pray BiG prayers for each other like Paul prays for the Colossians in 1:9-14 (and then pray for Aunt Mary ;-)). We’ll also pray BiG prayers for the world like Paul asks the Colossians to do in 4:2-6.