Nov 4, 2018

Talk 28, Two Endings

Passage: Luke 21
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This chapter is all about being ready – both for Jesus’ return and for all the trials and temptations that will befall his followers while they wait. Jesus is the Chief Shepherd who is about to lay down his life for his sheep but he does even more than that – he warns his flock about all the dangers coming their way and by his comforting, encouraging and cautionary words prepares them to escape and endure until he returns.

Sundays and Youth program
Lismore High School
118B Dalley St, East Lismore
Church Office
8-10 Park Ave, East Lismore
(02) 6621 3655

This chapter is all about being ready – both for Jesus’ return and for all the trials and temptations that will befall his followers while they wait. Jesus is the Chief Shepherd who is about to lay down his life for his sheep but he does even more than that – he warns his flock about all the dangers coming their way and by his comforting, encouraging and cautionary words prepares them to escape and endure until he returns.