Aug 12, 2018

Talk 20. The Law, Jesus & You

Passage: Exodus 19:1-6
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The law continues to be relevant under the new covenant because it reflects God’s nature and is based on his sovereign grace. Having said this, the new covenant fulfills the law and gives it a new role in the life of the church. The law is no longer written on tablets of stone demanding our righteousness but on hearts of flesh reckoned righteous in Christ. The Spirit-applied law still convicts but is powerless to condemn – it has lost its sting.

Sundays and Youth program
Lismore High School
118B Dalley St, East Lismore
Church Office
8-10 Park Ave, East Lismore
(02) 6621 3655

The law continues to be relevant under the new covenant because it reflects God’s nature and is based on his sovereign grace. Having said this, the new covenant fulfills the law and gives it a new role in the life of the church. The law is no longer written on tablets of stone demanding our righteousness but on hearts of flesh reckoned righteous in Christ. The Spirit-applied law still convicts but is powerless to condemn – it has lost its sting.