Aug 5, 2018

Talk 19, Give it up for Jesus

Passage: Luke 14
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Verse 33 provides a neat summary for the whole chapter: “those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” Proud people have to give up their honour (7-11); self-interested people have to give up their false generosity (12-14); and idolaters have to give up their possessions, preoccupations & allegiances (15-27). But what really matters is that Jesus gave up everything for us! Its only when we’re won by his great love that we’ll happily give up everything to follow him.

Sundays and Youth program
Lismore High School
118B Dalley St, East Lismore
Church Office
8-10 Park Ave, East Lismore
(02) 6621 3655

Verse 33 provides a neat summary for the whole chapter: “those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” Proud people have to give up their honour (7-11); self-interested people have to give up their false generosity (12-14); and idolaters have to give up their possessions, preoccupations & allegiances (15-27). But what really matters is that Jesus gave up everything for us! Its only when we’re won by his great love that we’ll happily give up everything to follow him.