Mar 4, 2018

Talk 5, Get Ready

Passage: Luke 3:1-23
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The focus of this Sunday’s talk will be on repentance and it’s fruit. John calls everyone to repentance so that they will be ready for the Lord when he comes. The irony is that because they are a “brood of vipers” (i.e. children of snakes – think Gen 3) they will be unable to truly repent until they are baptised with the Holy Spirit by Jesus (the water is just a sign).

Before this can happen, Jesus, God’s Son, must die in their place and rise again, opening the way for them to become children of God. The good news is that salvation and judgment won’t come all at once, rather salvation through the cross, then a period of patience to enable repentance, then judgment later.
Acts 2 is a demonstration of Spirit-empowered repentance. Peter declares the gospel, the people ask “what must we do?”, Peter tells them to repent and be baptised and receive the Holy Spirit, they do, then they produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Acts 2:42-47).
Sundays and Youth program
Lismore High School
118B Dalley St, East Lismore
Church Office
8-10 Park Ave, East Lismore
(02) 6621 3655

The focus of this Sunday’s talk will be on repentance and it’s fruit. John calls everyone to repentance so that they will be ready for the Lord when he comes. The irony is that because they are a “brood of vipers” (i.e. children of snakes – think Gen 3) they will be unable to truly repent until they are baptised with the Holy Spirit by Jesus (the water is just a sign).

Before this can happen, Jesus, God’s Son, must die in their place and rise again, opening the way for them to become children of God. The good news is that salvation and judgment won’t come all at once, rather salvation through the cross, then a period of patience to enable repentance, then judgment later.
Acts 2 is a demonstration of Spirit-empowered repentance. Peter declares the gospel, the people ask “what must we do?”, Peter tells them to repent and be baptised and receive the Holy Spirit, they do, then they produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Acts 2:42-47).