Jun 18, 2017

Talk 7, Forgiveness

Passage: Daniel 9:1-19
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God promises his people an end to exile and suffering & sin. This promise is partially fulfilled when Israel returns to Jerusalem but awaits a final fulfillment when Jesus returns.

The slide Pete refers to in this talk at the 25 minute mark comparing Daniel 9:25-27 in the NIV and ESV translations can be found by clicking here  The left side of the slide is the NIV translation and the right side is the ESV translation of Daniel 9:25-27.

Sundays and Youth program
Lismore High School
118B Dalley St, East Lismore
Church Office
8-10 Park Ave, East Lismore
(02) 6621 3655

God promises his people an end to exile and suffering & sin. This promise is partially fulfilled when Israel returns to Jerusalem but awaits a final fulfillment when Jesus returns.

The slide Pete refers to in this talk at the 25 minute mark comparing Daniel 9:25-27 in the NIV and ESV translations can be found by clicking here  The left side of the slide is the NIV translation and the right side is the ESV translation of Daniel 9:25-27.