The Pastors’ Pen

It’s Celebration Sunday time! A time for us to reflect on what makes our own hearts sing as you think about life at SCPC. What makes your heart sing as we seek to grow followers of Jesus at SCPC?

Even if you missed your chance to fill in some hearts as we prepared for Sunday, why don’t you prepare your heart sometime this week to stop to think about what makes your heart sing. You might like to use one of the questions from our term series to fire your heart and emotions. If you are still struggling, reflect on the wonder of your salvation – that should get your heart singing!

Listen to this beautiful truth from Phillip Ryken:
Be assured we will not be declared innocent on the basis of your record. The only safety for all eternity is faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only person who is perfectly innocent, and his death in our place is the only hope of salvation there is. [1]

This Sunday we get to enjoy one extra question in our series – What is the Church?

Let me finish with these verses from 1 Peter 2:4-5…
As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

A little secret for Sunday… What is the church? We are! Living stones!

Come on church, let’s celebrate!


Here are a few things to remember:

  • Please bring hearts ready to sing and hands ready to serve!
  • Please also bring a small plate of morning tea to share, a picnic rug or camping chairs, and a salad to share at lunch (with serving utensils).
  • We will provide sausages, bread, plates etc. If you are a vegetarian you can enjoy a selection of salads available on Sunday. There will also be cold drinks provided and, as usual, some ice blocks for dessert.

[1] Philip Ryken, Jesus on Trial, p 117.

Posted in Pastors Post