During the week our Committee of Management (CoM) had its ‘Christmas in June’ meeting!
I know that sounds like a funny event… We would have had ‘Christmas in July’ but we have no CoM meeting dates in July, so ‘Christmas in June’ it was.
But the real spirit behind the night was to allow Leadership Team (LT) the opportunity to thank our CoM team for the countless hours they invest into our heartbeat at SCPC each year. So much of our dealings in CoM are administration and finance related, but I love to use the language of how they ‘add ministry’ to our pastors, staff team and church family as a whole. Therefore, LT wanted to take a night to thank the CoM team for how much they ‘add’ to our ministry at SCPC. Now, what better way to do that, than to head west to a steak barn. [1] Yee-ha!
LT shouted CoM members their meal, but more than that we wanted to have time to be present personally with the CoM team (while not having to be pressured by time and a full agenda). Due to the efforts of our treasurers, a written report from Mum and Me Time and a briefing paper I wrote before the meeting, we actually achieved a healthy amount over the course of the night. We could move from bit of banter to finance reports with relative ease. We were even able to have time for some dessert!
However, there are some issues we want to bring before you all from the night. So, there will be an update this Sunday (following on from the CoM update provided on May 12) to let you know where SCPC currently lies financially. Our Assistant Treasurer will bring that report at 9:30am and 6pm this Sunday, June 23.
Another issue we wanted to update you on is our Sunday meeting space. Peita and I were able to meet with the Admin Manager from LHS recently and they are clear with building contractors, that the school is extremely eager to have access to the hall for the 2024 HSC and the trials that occur in Term 3. Therefore, we are reasonably confident of regaining access to the hall by Spring this year. We are thankful for this news as we were uncomfortable about the prospect of enduring the MPU through Summer.
So, for now, we stay in the MPU and it’s a very basic set up. Due to this we are unable to provide hot drinks out of the MPU, but certainly feel free to bring a thermos, or a cuppa in a ‘keep cup’ as you arrive – it’s BYO hot drinks for the MPU.
Finally, don’t forget (like any Sunday), you can also BYO Bible. This Sunday we will be heading to the confronting passage of Genesis 22 and Abraham’s turmoil in the prospect of offering his son. As we work through this MESS we will move to a number of New Testament passages in this order; John 18-19, Hebrews 11, 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 5. There will be a bit of flipping, but by the end of it you will be thankful that (at just the right time) the Lord will provide. Thus, when our faith is tested we can return to the power of Romans 5 and verse 8…
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
[1] They also offer vegetarian meals.