The Pastors’ Pen

We find ourselves faced with another venue change [1] for our Sunday gatherings. So, what will that
mean as we look forward?

But firstly let me pause and look back…

I wish to apologise to the Ritchie family for any grief I may have caused to them through my comment on Sunday in the Bible talk. It is true that Ritchie has taken six weeks of leave after a harrowing season of health challenges for his extended family. He wants to be proximate to them at this perplexing time. There are other issues at play as well which have meant his capacity has been affected. However, if you have questions about his leave, please send an email to Leadership Team (rather than directly to Ritchie or the family.)

Regarding our future meeting space, it is a difficult area to speak into. At this point we have no concrete information from LHS regarding the length of time required for repairs to the main hall. Obviously, it was as unexpected for the school it was for us. The executive staff at the school have been courteous and thoughtful as our SCPC staff team also tried to pivot towards a solution for last Sunday’s gatherings. Please can I encourage us towards the fruit the spirit during this unsettling time – love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. [2] Our executive staff team, along with LHS executive, will aim to keep you informed as further information becomes available. Nonetheless, I imagine we could have a lengthy absence from the hall.

Finally, I firmly believe our Father God in his extravagant grace has “got this!” [3] Sure, it would not be my pick to do our popular Easter services in the MPU! However, please pray that God is somehow preparing something through the coming weekend, and that through the Spirit’s ministry of conviction some human hearts would be deeply moved and that they might find hope in the midst of chaos!!!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 1 Peter 1:3-4



[1] As Southern Cross between Goonellabah and East Lismore we have become a nomadic people, using 5-10 different meeting spaces for our Sunday gatherings since March 2020!
[2] Galatians 5:22-23
[3] I remember the ute commercial that made this claim!

Posted in Pastors Post