Last Sunday, we heard from Greg as he shared how God has been weaving his story. A picture of his calico square and his story are below. For more information about the calico squares and how they will be used, have a look at Stew’s Pastors’ Post here.
I was asked to share my story about my calico square.
I’m not a craft-like person so my design was a basic sense of how God weaves my story.
Having spent a lot of years in the motor trade, I looked at myself in my walk with the Lord as a greasy piece of rag that I would carry in my overalls pocket to wipe off grease & oil then toss it away as it was dirty and useless, so that is the theme of my calico square.
I looked at my early adult life in this way as I lived without knowing Jesus. A life of motorcycles, parties, alcohol and drugs. I was just like that piece of rag.
After many trials and dramas in life including a severe motorcycle accident, I was introduced to my Saviour who washed me clean by his blood but that didn’t mean life was smooth sailing as God had other plans.
He knows my life from beginning to end so he had plans to grow me closer to him. Things like losing my house & investments in the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, but he still looked after me. I was self-employed and had periodic large bills. These were worrying us but through prayer he would answer us by providing work over a period of years to pay these bills. The money earnt would always be around the dollar amount of these bills.
Other hardships were marriage problems where he guided us to marriage counsellors and biblical solutions. Other hardships were deaths of family loved-ones but God was with us through it. Another hardship was finding rental housing in a difficult market which God provided our church family to help us with. And many other problems, God was always there to provide guidance to me, even when I would try my own path, he would steer me back to him.
I’m like the dirty rag on the calico, I need to be washed to be cleansed of my sin through the blood of Jesus, which leads me to be presentable to our God.
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